Saturday February 08 , 2025

Hosting Features

  • Linux Disk Space
    All of our plans include a generous amount of disk space on our Internet servers in which to place your web site files, databases and store your emails. You can now store thousands of web pages with graphical content, thousands of lines of data and email.
  • Monthly Data Transfer
    Each time your site is accessed data is transferred across the Internet, our transfer limits are high. Data transfer can be monitored in real-time via your control panel, should you exceed your limit, simply pay a small surcharge or upgrade your plan.
  • POP3 Mailboxes
    A POP3 mailbox is essentially a password protected area where mail is stored until you are ready to read it using a mail client such at Microsoft Outlook. You can create a mailbox for each person or department in your organisation.
  • Autoresponders
    Autoresponders reply to incoming email instantly and automatically. You can set and change the text of the reply and the trigger address whenever you like. Autoresponders are ideal for customer service or informing people when you are away.
  • Email Addresses
    Configure as many email addresses at your domain name(s) as your plan allows. Mail to any address, can be sent either to a POP3 mailbox on our server of forwarded to an existing email address elsewhere. Mail sent to an address for which you have not configured a specific destination can be sent to a catch-all location.
  • Domain Name Registration or Transfer
    If you do not currently have a domain name, we can register a name of your choice. Alternatively, you can transfer an existing domain name on to your account. See the domain names site for further information.
  • Web Based Control Panel
    Manage all aspects of your account via an easy to use online Virtualmin Pro control panel, configure email options, install cgi scripts, administer databases and more. See the control panel page for further information.
  • Web Site Backups From Your Control Panel
    You are responsible to keep a backup of you web site, however this is made easy by using your administrative control panel. From your control panel you can easily backup or restore to/from your local hard drive. This is particularly handy if a webmaster has created your site and you don't have a local copy of it. It's a good idea for everyone to have a local copy of their web site.
  • Nightly Backups
    We make nightly backups to be used in the event of a hard drive failure. We keep seven days of backups and it is possible for us to restore you website should you need it. Please contact us for the fee information.
  • CGI Scripting in Perl and C
    CGI scripts are small programs that run on the server to add interactivity to your site, your account is equipped with its own CGI directory, allowing you to install and develop your own CGI scripts. We support cgi scripts written in Perl and precompiled C.
  • Server Side Includes
    Server Side Includes enable the addition of dynamic elements to your HTML web pages. Automatically insert dates, file information and other HTML documents
  • PHP5 Scripting
    PHP is a powerful server side scripting language ideal for the creation of dynamic data driven web sites.
  • mySQL Database Server
    mySQL is a powerful database engine designed to provide fast access to stored data. Data from your database can be accessed via ODBC compliant software any of the supported scripting languages. You can administer your mySQL database using the control panel.
  • 128 Bit SSL Secure Server (OPTIONAL)
    SSL (Secure Socket Layer) allows the collection of sensitive data such as credit card information from browsers via a strongly encrypted connection.
  • Graphical Web Site Statistics (AWStats)
    View real-time usage statistics for your web site, see how many people are visiting your site, where they come from, what search keywords they use to find you and more.
  • Password Protected Directories
    Restrict access to certain areas of your web site, configure as many usernames and passwords as required. Applications include sites where membership is required to view certain content or the creation of an extranet.
  • Unlimited FTP Access
    Round the clock unlimited access to your account to upload files and make changes to your pages.
  • SPAM Filtering
    Unsolicited commercial email commonly referred to as SPAM is the Internet equivalent of junk mail. We use SpamAssassin to watch for spam before it's delivered. We can then either tag it for easy filtering on the client end, we can automatically move it to a spam folder (default) or we can delete it for you.
  • Technical Support
    If you should run into difficulty with your account, technical support is available. We offer a comprehensive online support center and support ticket help from the client login area.
  • Online Knowledge Base
    A wealth of information, instructions and tutorials are available at any time from the online support center. Context sensitive help is available at any time from within the control panel.
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
    If you are not completely satisfied with our services within the first 30 days of use, we will refund you in full (does not include the purchase of your domain name).
  • State of the Art Data Center
    Your sites are hosted on powerful servers utilising a state of the art facility.
  • Quick Account Activation
    Place your order online and your account will be set up almost immediately. Be aware that It may take your domain name 24-48 hours to propagate to our servers.

Domain Name Registration

No need to pay Network Solutions' high prices! Register or transfer your domains to DomainWizard and $ave!

FREE Web Site Edits

Lost your webmaster?

As an added bonus, FREE website edits may be available with our Deluxe and Premium hosting plans.

FREE Website Transfer

We know how difficult it can be moving to another web host. We can handle the entire transfer process for you or offer instructions!

Data Center

We use only the best quality equipment, enabling us to provide a top performing and flexible web hosting service to our diverse range of clients.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We offer a money back guarantee with all our plans for any cancellations made within the first 30 days of ordering.

Control Panel

Manage your virtual domains, mailboxes, databases, applications from one comprehensive and friendly interface.