Saturday February 08 , 2025

FREE Website Help

HostWizard Works is a division of one of the premier web design firms in the mid-west. This web hosting division was created out of the need to have an economical place to host our client websites. Web design work is in our blood and we are happy to give advise or lend a free hand with your website should the need arise.

Perhaps your original webmaster is long gone or maybe you built your web site yourself and no longer have the time - either way, you're not alone. We are the only hosting company we're aware of that will step up and offer help with your website. And best of all, we're not looking to make money from it!

We love helping people and we love working with websites. We know you've got a choice when it come to where to host your site and we want you to know that with HostWizard Works you get much more than just a place to park your website files.

FREE Edits

Keep your visitors better informed with up to date information, change your offer or just change your mind as to what you want your site to say... it's up to you! It's always a good idea to keep your content fresh, not only will your visitors appreciate it, the search engines tend to favor sites with frequently changing content.

Here's how it works: The free edits we make are for text changes only. Just provide us with your new text electronically and let us know where you want it or what to replace and we'll take it from there.

You may have up to fifteen minutes of month of free text edits. Since you are providing us with the ready copy, we are able to accomplish a lot in fifteen minutes. We encourage you to take advantage of this service often as the time is not accumulative if you skip months.

Please note: Due to prep time, we can accomplish more if you provide us with all the edit requests for the month at one time - oppose to giving us several separate requests. Also note that if you need to go beyond 15 minutes of edit time, our rate is $75/hour with a minimum fee of $18.75 per edit request. While we are happy to offer advice or answer any web site questions we can for clients who sign up with our Basic and Standard plans, under most circumstances hands-on assistance is reserved for those using our Deluxe plan.

Data Center

We use only the best quality equipment, enabling us to provide a top performing and flexible web hosting service to our diverse range of clients.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We offer a money back guarantee with all our plans for any cancellations made within the first 30 days of ordering.

Control Panel

Manage your virtual domains, mailboxes, databases, applications from one comprehensive and friendly interface.